100's of Free Study Materials & Free Books
Jesus said:" I don't live by just bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God". (Matthew 4:4)
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)
The bible says: "The salvation that was given to us (YOU) is very great. (Hebrews 2:8)
Take time to study and enjoy your salvation today! Have fun and use these tools to help you learn, grow and become stronger with Jesus.
(A ministry of BreedLife Missions)
David & Carol Joy were Senior Pastors of Beleivers International Church in Santa Barbara, California.
In 2016 God spoke to David and Carol Joy about starting an online church for those who did not have a local pastor or church to attend in the persecuted nations of the world.
Since then we have had people from over 100 nations visit and use these online materials.
We have had many letters and emails from people who’s countries are persecuted for the spending of the gospel.
They are truly thankful to God to have such materials they can go to free of charge.
With no bookstores, or finances to purchase these types of materials we have made this website available 24/7 for their own personal use.
Everything on this website is dedicated to you and your personal growth with Jesus Christ. Enjoy, and may God truly Bless You!!!
The purpose of these study materials is to help, strengthen and educate the Persecuted Church around the world.
People have contacted us from very remote and persecuted areas of the world. These resources are not available to them and/or if they are seen with them they can be persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. Some people can only look at these resources for a brief moment on their cell phones. This library is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and to those with fierce determination are following Him.
The books, media and information on this website are a library service and for educational purposes only. This is a lending library for the persecuted church around the world. Please look inside the back of each book or look up the authors name on the internet to obtain more information and more resources from these great ministries. Also, please financially support their ministries as they bring the good news of Jesus Christ to billions of people around the world.
Are Angels real? Are they here on earth today? Are they listening to your words - what you are saying- if God is listening to you are they? Learn what the bible has to say about angels.
Do I have to be baptized in water in order to be saved? Can I be Baptized more than once? What's so important about being baptized in water?
Believers Authority
Most christians don't realize that Jesus gave them authority on this earth to overcome.
Men and Women throughout the bible did great exploits for God. How did they do it? They asked God for boldness.
Leaders &
By using Your faith and God's given ability inside of You, this last days harvest of souls will be won! We thank God for You! The Body of Christ needs You!
Casting Your Cares - Worry
No one is immune to adversity. But when adversity knocks on your door, you don’t have to worry. Instead, turn your anxieties, cares, and concerns over to the Lord.
Don't underestimate your children, God is going to use them in these last days before Jesus returns.
Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders...
Isaiah 8:18 (KJV)
Church Planting
Study the most sucessful church in the world, The Church of Antioch.
And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.’ - Luke 14:23
Let’s get busy and start planting churches for Jesus Christ!
You Can Take Communion at Home or Just About Anywhere!
What a joy to take communion with Jesus!
Let’s take communion together!
Creative Miracles
Creative miracles are happening all over the world.
Learn more about the creative miracles from the new testament church in the Bible and how creative miracles are happening all over the world today.
Eternal Life (ZOE)
God has given us a new quality of life in Christ. This life (Zoe) is the primary purpose Jesus came.
Jesus calls us believers. Jesus expects us to use our faith. We are Believers. We are always expecting!
God's love is the spiritual force that makes a family enjoy life together. Being a member of a family that loves God and one another is the most wonderful blessing.
Few believers realize it these days but fasting is a wonderful way to draw near to the Lord.
When you walk in favor, it will bring victories in your life that you cannot acquire in your own strength and in your own might.
What creates a strong friendship? How do we know when someone is a true friend? Jesus demonstrated friendship in a variety of ways with many kinds of people.
There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
Forgiving someone sometimes can be the hardest thing to do. What does the bible say about this subject? Did Jesus talk about it? Did Jesus tell us how to forgive? What is FLOVE???
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
As believers we are to love and pray for people. As we do it opens the door for the Holy Spirit of God to come in and bless all humanity.
Glory of God
The Spirit of the God is on the Body of Christ like never before, to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and set the captives free - and God's glory will be revealed in all the earth!
God loves for us to achieve the goals, visions and projects He puts in our hearts. Pastor David gives simple and effective advice how to accomplish any goal or task before you.
Helps - A Supernatural Ministry
Is there a supernatural position in the local church for me?
What is the supernatural ministry of Helps?
What does the Bible have to say?
The most important thing we have in this life is a healthy body. Without it we will not be around for all the adventure God has for us with our family, friends, and loved ones. God’s Will is for us to live long and healthy lives. Through our salvation in Jesus Christ healing now belongs to us. Learn about all the wonderful things God has for you in His Word, The Bible and live a long and healthy life.
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is important for you to live a successful Christian life. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, God sent the Holy Spirit to earth to dwell in you and every other believer so you can live victorious life, now!
Honoring the Lord Jesus is putting Him first place in everything we do. God says in this Holy Bible, “For those who honor Me I will honor.” It is a joy to honor God in all we do!
Our Master Jesus Christ said this was one of the most important subjects as a child of God we can learn.
Joy. It's not a warm, happy feeling you're supposed to have now and then when things are going well. It's much more than that. Joy is one of the most powerful spiritual forces in the world.
Knowing God’s Will
As a believers we need to make the right choices in life. Where do I live? What career do I pursue? Who do I marry? How do we find God’s will for our lives? Well, the one who created you, God, has something very special for your life.
Leaders! We need more of you! God has put a special anointing on you to be a leader! Yes, You! You might not have asked for it; but God trusts you! He trusts you will take time with Him so He can show you how to be an effective leader.
Love is The Most Powerful Force in this World!
God is Love; Love is Forever!
You were Made in the Image of Love.
God Loves You!
A marriage union is powerful! God has brought you both together, and together you become 10,000 times greater and stronger.
Ministry Gifts - The Calling of God
Dedicate yourself to the work to which God has called you. God's ministry to your life comes with your dedication to the call. Consecrate yourself. Ministry comes with the consecration of your life. Give yourself entirely to God's purpose and plan for your ministry. Submit to God's will. With ministry comes submission to God's perfect will for your life.
Ministry Gifts
God has set the ministry gifts in the earth so the Body of Christ can grow. If you have been honored with a call into ministry you better get ready for all the joy and persecution that comes with it. Get ready for the ride of your life and the eternal rewards that come with it; because ministry is W-O-R-K!
World Missions = God’s Heart for the World.
There is a spirit of going and a spirit of sending in the Body of Christ today. People in every nation need to hear that God loves them and Jesus Christ is the way to connect to God. How do they hear this great message of salvation? World missions!
The Body of Christ is a Family. As we all join together in this family business and work together we see great fruit and rewards to our Father God’s Great Kingdom.
We all need peace in our lives. As we lead our busy lives we need to be able to live our lives in peace. Jesus said He gives us His peace.
Praise & Worship
Do you know you should to minister to the Lord? Many people only think about God ministering to us. Thank God, He does take care of us, but this thing is a two way street, we must minister to the Lord.
Prayer is more powerful than you think it is!
Prayer is the powerhouse of your church!
Prayer is the powerhouse for your family!
Prayer is the powerhouse of your life!
Praying Out Your Future
Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.
Jeremiah 33:3 (NLT)
The simple gift of prophecy should not be confused with the prophetic office or with prophetic utterance that may come forth in the prophet's ministry.
Prosperity & Finances
As we give cheerfully and generously, God will cause every blessing to come to us. He wants us to be able to give to others, to help meet their needs; therefore, He will multiply our resources for giving. This is the way God’s system works!
Not only does God's protection extend to keeping you from being consumed by disaster, violence, sickness, or financial collapse, it will keep you from being affected by any of those things in the slightest way. When you walk through a fiery trial, not only will you not be burned, you will not even come out smelling like smoke.
Are relationships possible? Are relationships worth fighting for? Watch this dynamic series by Pastor David and learn how to stay strong in your relationships.
Righteousness is the ability to stand, in prayer, or in the presence of Almighty God, as if he/she had never sinned or heard of sin.
“Are you saved?"
Ask a believer that question and he'll answer with a quick, “Yes!" But ask him if he knows exactly what he's been saved from and you may run into some confusion.
The Spirit of Seeing & Knowing
The Holy Spirit wants to show us things to come. Let’s learn how to recognize His promptings, yield to Him, and see God’s power do extraordinary things.
Sharing The Gospel With Others
You may be asking yourself these important questions:
How do I reach people I love for Jesus?
How do I pray for people to come to know Jesus?
We will answer these questions and many more in this powerful series.
Spiritual Growth
That we henceforth be no more children... grow up into him (Jesus Christ) in all things.
Ephesians 4:14-15 (KJV)
We need strength everyday to do what God has called us to do! Learn how to keep strong by reading and meditating on God’s Strength Scriptures.
Don't ever lose your dreams! I don't care if it looks like they are never going to come to pass! God is on the move!!!!
Women are so important to the body of Jesus Christ. You have a a voice that needs to be heard by God and by mankind. Learn more about your God given potential.
No one is immune to adversity. But when adversity knocks on your door, you don’t have to worry. Instead, turn your anxieties, cares, and concerns over to the Lord.
Zoe (Eternal Life)
God has given us a new quality of life in Christ. This life (Zoe) is the primary purpose Jesus came.