Praying Out Your Future
Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.
Jeremiah 33:3 (NLT)
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
John 16:13 (NLT)
For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.
1 Corinthians 14:2 (NLT)
Praying Out Your Future
David’s notes on the subject of Praying Out Your Future
Why is praying out my future such an important subject to me?
My heart is to always get results in my prayer life. How about you?
My personal testimony.
Years ago I was attending a church in Mesa, Arizona. I was assisting the pastors on Sunday morning and nights, Wednesday nights and taking of the outside landscaping of his home. There was a girl who attended the church named Maggie Lopez. She was a big help to the pastors and the church on Sundays, Wednesdays nights and through out the week. She was very attractive and she had a heart of gold for Jesus. I liked her a lot and she liked me too.
One day we were talking about possibly having a relationship together. We both agreed that we should both pray first before having a relationship together. We wanted God’s perfect will for our lives.
In my prayer time talking with God he spoke to me. He said, “There is nothing wrong with Maggie and their is nothing wrong with you, you are both in the same tree (the body of Jesus Christ) but your branches are going in opposite directions.” I knew right their that we should not pursue a relationship further. I went and talked with Maggie and the Lord gave her the same direction for her life. We both remained good friends and went on serving Jesus in our church.
I was in prayer one day and the Lord said, “You are desiring a wife why don’t you start praying for her?” This was the first time I heard that I could pray about the future of my future wife. So I asked Him, “How do I do that?” He said to me, “Pray in your language from heaven for her.” I was shocked but I knew in my heart that was the next step I was to take. I knew He was telling me to pray in the Spirit for her. So I did. I would say, “Father God I am praying for my future wife and your future plan for the both us.” Then I would pray in my language from heaven.
A few weeks later I was praying and the Lord showed me that she was with another man at the time, but in the future she would leave that man and we would both come together.
When I met l Carol Joy supernaturally three years later she had just got divorced from her husband. What God told me years before was true. I would not have received this supernatural word from God if I was not praying in my personal heavenly language from God.
Praying out your future
Let’s talk today about how to pray for your future - is this possible? YES IT IS! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN PRAYING! God is interested in your future.
Let’s answer these questions:
1) What the bible has to say about this subject of praying for your future?
2) Why do we need to pray for our future?
3) How do we pray for our future?
4) Doing it! We are going to be Praying together with you today.
We all want our futures to be easier, smoother, and brighter, We all want to do God’s Master Plan for our lives with accuracy, joy, boldness and bringing God Glory and victory to His Kingdom.
There are many different types of how to pray in the bible.
Éphésiens 6:18
Segond 21
18 Faites en tout temps par l'Esprit toutes sortes de prières et de supplications. Veillez à cela avec une entière persévérance et en priant pour tous les saints.
Segond 21 - english translation
18 Make all kinds of prayers and supplications at all times in the Spirit. See to it with all perseverance and praying for all the saints.
another translation:
Éphésiens 6:18
La Bible du Semeur
L’appel à la prière
18 En toutes circonstances, faites toutes sortes de prières et de requêtes sous la conduite de l’Esprit. Faites-le avec vigilance et constance, et intercédez pour tous les membres du peuple saint,
The Sower's Bible - english translation
The call to prayer
18 In all circumstances, make all kinds of prayers and requests under the guidance of the Spirit. Do so with vigilance and constancy, and intercede for all the members of the holy people,
I want you to think about this. - “All prayer has an element of the future in the answer of the prayer.”
Je voudrais que vous réfléchissiez à ceci. - Toute prière comporte un élément d'avenir dans l'exaucement de la prière.
English translation: I’d like you to think about this. - Every prayer has an element of the future in its answer.
Let’s talk about the future!
1) What the bible has to say about this subject of the future? Does God care about our future?
Jérémie 29:11
La Bible du Semeur
11 Car moi je connais les projets que j’ai conçus en votre faveur, déclare l’Eternel : ce sont des projets de paix et non de malheur, afin de vous assurer un avenir plein d’espérance.
The Sower's Bible - english translation
11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD: plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future full of hope.
Jeremiah 29:1 - Message Bible
I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jérémie 29:1 - French translation - Message Bible
Je sais ce que je fais. J'ai tout prévu - des plans pour prendre soin de toi, ne pas t'abandonner, des plans pour te donner l'avenir que tu espères.
In looking through the Scriptures, we find God is an investor. He is always planning for the future.
French translation: En lisant les Écritures, nous constatons que Dieu est un investisseur. Il planifie toujours l'avenir.
God invested His Son Jesus Christ in the future at the foundation of this world, before we were even here. That is the deep love that God has for each and everyone of us.
— Dieu a investi son Fils Jésus-Christ dans l'avenir dès la fondation de ce monde, avant même que nous ne soyons là.Tel est l'amour profond que Dieu porte à chacun d'entre nous.
In Revelation 13:8 (KJV) God called Jesus:
"...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
Apocalypse 13:8
La Bible du Semeur
8 Tous les habitants de la terre l’adoreront, tous ceux dont le nom n’est pas inscrit, depuis l’origine du monde, dans le livre de vie de l’Agneau égorgé.
The Sower's Bible - English translation
8 All the inhabitants of the earth will worship him, all those whose names have not been written in the book of life of the slain Lamb since the beginning of the world.
Apocalypse 13:8
Segond 21
8 et tous les habitants de la terre l'adoreront, tous ceux dont le nom n'a pas été inscrit dans le livre de vie de l'Agneau offert en sacrifice, et ce dès la création du monde.
Segond 21 - English translation
8 And all the inhabitants of the earth will worship him, all those whose names have not been written in the book of life of the Lamb offered in sacrifice since the creation of the world.
God doesn't live from day to day; He invests for the future. “God knows your future better than you know your past”.
French translation — “Dieu connaît votre avenir mieux que vous ne connaissez votre passé”.
God showed Israel how to invest in their future.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 (KJV)
“Cast thy bread upon the water: for thou shalt find it after many days."
Ecclésiaste 11:1
La Bible du Semeur
11 Lance ton pain à la surface de l’eau car, avec le temps, tu le retrouveras.
The Sower's Bible - english translation
11 Throw your bread on the surface of the water, for in time you'll find it again.
Hebrew word: H3898 leḥem - especially bread, or grain [seed] (for making bread) - food in general
The children of Israel took their seed, ate part of it, kept some for their journey, and then threw the rest on the waters, planting for their future. The water carried the seed downstream and it was carried and deposited on the banks of the river where all the rich soil was deposited. The seed started growing in the soil of the banks of the river. By the time the Israelites arrived there years later, they had a harvest waiting for them!
The seed could not be immediately seen but God showed them a way to have more seed and food for their future. God loves us and cares about your future.
Planting for the future is God’s provision for us.
The bible says: God is the God who goes into the future for us, He is the God who goes before us.
Deuteronomy 1:33 (KJV) says, “Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go, and in a cloud by day."
Deutéronome 1:32-33
Segond 21
32 Malgré cela, vous n’avez pas eu confiance en l'Eternel, votre Dieu 33 qui marchait devant vous sur la route pour vous chercher un lieu de campement, la nuit dans un feu afin de vous montrer le chemin où vous deviez marcher, et le jour dans une nuée.
God sends angels to work for us in our future.
Exodus 23:20 (NLT)
20 “See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.
Exode 23:20
Segond 21
Instructions et promesses pour la conquête
20 »Voici que j'envoie un ange devant toi pour te protéger en chemin et pour te faire arriver à l'endroit que j'ai préparé.
Exode 23:20 - English translation
Instructions and promises for the conquest
20 "Behold, I send an angel before you to protect you on the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.
>>> ALSO
VS 23 For my angel will go before you and bring you into the land.
Exode 23:23
Segond 21
23 Mon ange marchera devant toi et te conduira chez les Amoréens, les Hittites, les Phéréziens, les Cananéens, les Héviens et les Jébusiens, et je les exterminerai.
Exode 23:23
La Bible du Semeur
23 Car mon ange marchera devant vous et vous fera entrer dans le pays des Amoréens, des Hittites, des Phéréziens, des Cananéens, des Héviens et des Yebousiens, et je les exterminerai.
God has always been the God who went before the children of Israel to provide and take care of them —and God has never changed. He goes before us today.
God goes before us so we will have a clear road ahead of us with no blockades. If you are not praying for your future you will plainly see that your future is coming to you very slowly. Praying for your future speeds things up!
2) Why do we need to Pray for our future?
I like to pray things out before I walk them out in this world. The Holy Spirt has shown me that I can plant my faith and speak my words ahead for my future, then I can plant my prayers ahead of me for my future.
I was very frustrated one time and asked God why it was taking so long for things to happen in my life. “David you are 2 steps behind in prayer”! I realized that if I can be behind in my prayer life then I can be ahead in prayer life. It was a great revelation to me.
I don’t know about you but I like getting results - I was growing tired of getting to certain places and in situations in my life and I felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. I felt like there was a huge walls in front of me. I felt like I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. (French Translation says: I felt like I was going round in circles and getting nowhere).
Why not pray the walls down and pray out the road/track in front of us to make things easier.
God is the God who goes before us if we keep our prayer life active and rely on the Holy Ghost to help us pray things through. We can pray in advance for the things in the future. We can pray for things that are months, weeks or even years in advance.
So instead of living from disaster and miracle to disaster and miracle, we simply walk with God in the miraculous.
Ainsi, au lieu de vivre de catastrophe et de miracle en catastrophe et en miracle, nous marchons simplement avec Dieu dans le miraculeux.
3) How do we pray for our future?
"But if you don't know the future, how do you know what to pray?” One way in particular we can pray out our future is by praying in the Holy Ghost. Praying in the Holy Ghost will make us sensitive to the will and plan of God.
Jeremiah 33:3 (NLT)
3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.
Jérémie 33:3 - Segond 21
3 Fais appel à moi et je te répondrai.
Je te révélerai des réalités importantes et inaccessibles,
des réalités que tu ne connais pas.
-- english translation - Segond 21
3 Call upon me and I will answer you.
I will reveal to you important and inaccessible realities,
realities you do not know.
Jérémie 33:3
La Bible du Semeur
3 Invoque-moi, et je te répondrai, je te révélerai de grandes choses et des choses secrètes que tu ne connais pas.
- english translation The Sower's Bible
3 Call upon me, and I will answer you; I will reveal to you great things and secret things that you do not know.
God will show us things to come. Jesus talked about this.
John 16:13 (NLT)
13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
Jean 16:13
Segond 21
13 Quand le défenseur sera venu, l'Esprit de la vérité, il vous conduira dans toute la vérité, car il ne parlera pas de lui-même, mais il dira tout ce qu'il aura entendu et vous annoncera les choses à venir.
- english translation - Segond 21
13 When the Advocate comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak for himself, but will speak everything he hears, and will tell you things to come.
Jean 16:13
La Bible du Semeur
13 Quand l’Esprit de vérité sera venu, il vous conduira dans la vérité tout entière, car il ne parlera pas de lui-même, mais tout ce qu’il aura entendu, il le dira, et il vous annoncera les choses à venir.
english translation - The Sower's Bible
13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own behalf, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you things to come.
We all have the ability as believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak with tongues as the bible says we are speaking directly to God.
As believers, we all have the opportunity and ability to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to speak in the language of heaven. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in the language of heaven, as the Bible says, we are speaking directly to God.
1 Corinthians 14:2 (NLT)
2 For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious. (I LIKE TO SAY - YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SPEAKING AND DON’T TRY TO FIGURE THIS OUT)
1 Corinthiens 14:2
Segond 21
2 En effet, celui qui parle en langue ne parle pas aux hommes mais à Dieu, car personne ne le comprend, et c'est en esprit qu'il dit des paroles mystérieuses.
english translation- Segond 21
2 For he who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands him, and in the spirit he speaks mysterious words.
1 Corinthiens 14:2
La Bible du Semeur
2 Celui qui parle dans une langue inconnue s’adresse à Dieu et non aux hommes : personne ne comprend les paroles mystérieuses qu’il prononce sous l’inspiration de l’Esprit.
english translation - The Sower's Bible -
2 He who speaks in an unknown tongue addresses God, not men: no one understands the mysterious words he utters under the inspiration of the Spirit.
Jesus said that we will know and recognize the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us to help us everyday pray out the plan of God for our lives.
John 14:17 - Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
17 The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. BUT YOU KNOW AND RECOGNIZE HIM, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.
Jean 14.17
Bible amplifiée, édition classique
17 L'Esprit de vérité, que le monde ne peut recevoir (accueillir, prendre dans son cœur), parce qu'il ne le voit pas, ne le connaît pas et ne le reconnaît pas. MAIS VOUS LE CONNAISSEZ ET LE RECONNAISSEZ, parce qu'il vit avec vous et qu'il sera en vous.
Jean 14:17
Segond 21
17 l'Esprit de la vérité, que le monde ne peut pas accepter parce qu'il ne le voit pas et ne le connaît pas. [Mais] vous, vous le connaissez, car il reste avec vous et il sera en vous.
The greek word for “to know” “le connaissez in the french” is the greek word “ginosko, (G1097)”. It means we will have an intimate and personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
This was Jesus personal promised was for us to personally have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus fulfilled this promise on the day of pentecost in Acts chapter 1 and 2. This promised is for us today!
French translation — C’est ce que Jésus a personnellement promis pour que nous ayons personnellement une relation avec le Saint-Esprit. Jésus a accompli cette promesse le jour de la Pentecôte dans les Actes des Apôtres, chapitres 1 et 2. Cette promesse est pour nous aujourd'hui !
Acts 2:39 — Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
39 For the promise [of the Holy Spirit] is to and for you and your children, and to and for all that are far away, [even] to and for as many as the Lord our God invites and bids to come to Himself.
Actes 2:39
Bible amplifiée, édition classique
39 Car la promesse [du Saint-Esprit] est pour vous et pour vos enfants, pour tous ceux qui sont au loin, pour tous ceux que le Seigneur notre Dieu invite et invite à venir à lui.
Actes 2:39
Segond 21
39 En effet, la promesse est pour vous, pour vos enfants et pour tous ceux qui sont au loin, en aussi grand nombre que le Seigneur notre Dieu les appellera.»
english translation - Segond 21
39 Indeed, the promise is for you, for your children and for all those who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
Actes 2:39
La Bible du Semeur
39 Car la promesse est pour vous, pour vos enfants, et pour ceux qui vivent dans les pays lointains, tous ceux que le Seigneur notre Dieu fera venir à lui [a].
[a] Alors tous ceux qui invoqueront l’Eternel seront sauvés : Romains 10:17.
english translation - The Sower's Bible
39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for those who live in distant lands, as many as the Lord our God will call to himself [a].
[a] Then all who call on the Lord will be saved: Romans 10:13.
Laughing bird paraphrase transition from Australia says:
“This promise is for you, for your children, and for everyone on down the line – everyone who receives the invitation of the Lord our God.”
French translation: « Cette promesse est pour vous, pour vos enfants et pour tous ceux qui suivront - tous ceux qui recevront l'invitation du Seigneur notre Dieu ».
This passage of bible scripture plainly states that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in your heavenly language is for all generations. God cares about all generations.
This is why it is so important to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to pray in the Holy Spirit.
When you are praying in your language of heaven you are praying the perfect and complete will of God for your life. This is why having the baptism of the Holy Spirit is so important.
We all need the love, power, and relationship with the Holy Spirt.
4) Doing it! We need to stay focused in our lives and not be distracted in our prayer life!
Let’s pray out some road in front of us to make things easier, speed things up, and let’s bring our future to us as we pray.
Let’s pray! Praying in the Holy Spirit is cool and it is fun!
Thank you Holy Spirit for praying through us!!! We love you!!!
Let’s go and have fun!!! For the kingdom!!
God has a great things ahead for you.