Ministry Gifts


Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.

Psalm 127:1 (KJV)

Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-16 (NLT)




The purpose of these study materials is to help, strengthen and educate the Persecuted Church around the world.

People have contacted us from very remote and persecuted areas of the world. These resources are not available to them and/or if they are seen with them they can be persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. Some people can only look at these resources for a brief moment on their cell phones. This library is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and to those with fierce determination are following Him.

The books, media and information on this website are a library service and for educational purposes only. This is a lending library for the persecuted church around the world. Please look inside the back of each book or look up the authors name on the internet to obtain more information and more resources from these great ministries. Also, please financially support their ministries as they bring the good news of Jesus Christ to billions of people around the world.


You Got This!

When I went to Bible College the teachers would keep telling us students, on a weekly basis I might add, that ministry is spelt W-O-R-K.

And its true. If you want to do anything for God it will take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. You will be persecuted by the devil and by people who will tell you that is not God for you to be a pastor or minister. Others will think you are crazy to stay up all night at the hospital praying for the sick. Others will not understand why you need a bigger building and they will let you know right up front, that they are not going to give you a single dime in the offerings. Others will just be in the way and drain your time instead of growing up for themselves and helping in the work of God.

I have been a world champion bicyclist, a top runway fashion model, and successful businessman; but I have never seen a more lazy bunch than church folks. Oh, don’t get me wrong, you will have a handful by your side and thank God for them! You better keep praying for them, they are a blessing to Jesus and the kingdom. What I am trying to say to you is never give up! If God gives you a plan I don’t care how many people will tell you it won’t work. If God told you to do it it will work. He is faithful!! He is always faithful! You got this! Because with God all things are possible! And after all! When you get to heaven and see all the souls you won, and the eternal rewards just waiting for you, it will all be worth it! Glory to God!!

For the Kingdom!

Pastor David

Ministry Offices

THE MINISTRY - David’s Notes from Rhema Bible College


Study More:

Ministry Gifts - The Calling of God


Pastor David’s Must Have Ministry Book

This is the book and message you will need more than any other. Oh, sure there are a ton of subjects like Being Led by the Holy Spirit, Walking in the Love of God, Excellence in Ministry, Boldness, Prayer, Faith, Joy… and so many others. But this is my main stay, besides my bible.

Because after all is said and done; it is His call and purpose He has placed on your life. You will need to cast all your cares on Him time and time again. You are going to obey, believe and trust God through some impossible situations. He specializes in impossible situations. He loves you, He is faithful and He will carry you through to victory every time. It’s you and God all the way! Give Him the whole load!

For the Kingdom

Pastor David

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The Real Secret of Effective Ministry - Lynne Hammond

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:36 – 38 KJV

Resurrection power released through prayer is the real secret of effective Christian service. That’s why God used a corporate prayer meeting to launch the ministry of the apostle Paul.

The Bible gives no indication that the prophets and teachers from the Antioch church who attended that prayer meeting had any idea what direction it was going to take. They thought they were just getting together for a time of fasting and worship. But Acts 13:2 – 5 tells us that:

As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. And when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews …. (KJV)

Many times, we read those verses and miss what really happened there. We don’t realize that the prayers of the Antioch leaders actually prepared a ministry path for Paul and Barnabas. Their prayers sent resurrection power out ahead to smooth the way so that they would be well supplied—both spiritually and naturally—on their missionary journey.

As a result, Paul and Barnabas stepped out to do the work of God and things immediately started falling into place for them.

When they got to Seleucia, they found a boat ready and waiting to take them where they needed to go. They didn’t have to sit around for months literally waiting for their ship to come in. Because the power of prayer had gone before them to make preparation, they could just set sail and go.

My, how we need that kind of power to be released in prayer these days!

Multitudes of ministers stand ready and waiting to go into the harvest fields of the world, but God won’t send them out until a path is cleared for them. He won’t thrust them into situations where no spiritual preparation has been made.

That’s why Jesus instructed us to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers. He understands that the sending follows the praying.

Even Paul, who had one of the greatest apostolic callings of all time couldn’t just go out on his own and do the work of God. To be truly effective in ministry, a highway of resurrection power had to be raised up for him to walk on. The same is true for ministers today. For them to be successful in what God has called them to do, they need a path cut for them by rivers of living water flowing from the spirits of praying believers. They need people like us to pave the way through prayer!

Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1 – 12

Obey God and See Your Ministry Prosper - Keith Butler

"Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant" (Ps. 35:27 KJV). 

Everybody loves a great success story. But, success in God doesn't happen overnight. 

I have been blessed because I obeyed God all the years that I have been in ministry. Reading Deuteronomy 28 is actually reading what has happened to me. But it was not easy. 

In fact, as soon as my wife and I left Bible School and went into ministry, we were wronged. My first engagement was a two-week meeting where I began on the subjects of the authority of the believer, understanding our rights in Christ, and having joy in the midst of trials. 

Amazingly, those who invited me closed it down after three days because they didn't like the subject matter. 

Because I was booked for two weeks, there were no other engagements and no way to support my young family! Yet God found a way to provide as I continued to obey Him. 

I have obeyed God from then until now. Today, I am a successful pastor of several churches in Detroit, Atlanta, and Phoenix. 

Young preachers can preach this message because it's in the Word of God. But I can preach this message because it's in the Word of God and I have lived it. 

I am blessed in the city and blessed in the suburb. I am blessed in the fruit of my body. All of my kids are born again, filled with the Holy Ghost, and ministers of the gospel. I'm blessed in every way all the time! It doesn't matter where I go, I am blessed coming in and going out all the time! 

When you obey God, blessed shall you be in your store. Blessed shall you be when you come in and when you go out. Your enemies that rise up against you will be smitten before your face. 

The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouses (you need more than one account!) All that you set your hand to will be blessed. The Lord will bless you in the land, which He's given you. 

In other words, whatever the Lord has spoken to you to do, that is the land He's given you. And you shall be blessed in it. 

Scripture References: Deut. 28:1-14; John 2:5 

 We are serious about your ministry.

Contacts us, we want to pray for you and your ministry.  God has a great things ahead!