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Financial, Legal &

Ministerial Accountability

Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.
2 Corinthians 8:21


Believers International Church is totally supported by financial contributions that are given by friends and partners of this ministry. As a Christian ministry and a non-profit organization, we have a responsibility to our contributors to maintain integrity in our stewardship and financial practices. Therefore, BIC is committed to fulfilling the following standards:

  • We are governed by a responsible Board of Directors.

  • We obtain ministerial advice from mentors who have successful worldwide ministries.

  • We obtain legal advice from Winter’s, King & Associates, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

  • The Director of BIC is an ordained minister with RHEMA Ministerial Association International and is a member of the RHEMA Alumni Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma. As such, the Director is accountable to the policies and guidelines associated with RMAI.

  • We are committed to using 100% of contributions that have been designated for all projects.

  • BIC believes in the biblical principle of giving. BIC donates to other ministries and missions organizations.

Believers International Church AKA West Coast Believers Church of Santa Barbara, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; contributions are tax-deductable as allowed by law.